Strategies For Pricing Your NC House To Sell Fast – Proven Tactics

real estate puzzle

If you are thinking about selling your North Carolina home, one of the first issues will be to set the price. You don’t want to sell yourself short and get less than what it is worth. On the other hand, too high a price tag will scare potential buyers away. You need to come up with a price that is somewhere in the middle. Tis may sound tricky but as you probably already know, it is very crucial that you price your home accordingly. The North Carolina real estate market in unique and you will need to do a little research, like reading this article, as well as reach out to local real estate professionals for guidance.  We will be giving you some great thoughts on how to go forward with this process.

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With a little work, you can find the right price and sell your home.

You will need to assess the other houses in the surrounding area to get some idea of what your home may be worth. With all the resources on the internet nowadays, this should be fairly easy.  Look for the price of home with similar square footage, features, and other attributes that your home shares. Also look at things like how long the comparable home has been on the market. Any good real estate agent will suggest you do this as well. It is important that you take on the responsibility of getting the facts on your own. One place that will be a great source of information will be the recorder’s office in your county. Another great source of facts is on the internet; on sites like You may be amazed how the price range may differ from one area to another in a very small radius; keep your research restricted. You will need to assess other homes that are like yours in size, condition and the year it was built.

If you find the whole process of pricing your home too complicated to think about, getting an appraisal is an alternative. Getting your home appraised can be expensive (usually several hundred dollars), but it can put your mind at ease when it comes to setting the price. There will be plenty of appraisers in your area but be sure your appraiser is an expert in North Carolina and specifically your area. An appraiser will not overlook anything and use a precise formula that considers a home’s square footage, how old it is and how much property you have. An appraisal also takes into account the state of the local real estate market, and the selling prices of homes that are comparable to yours. If you’re willing to put forth the effort, you could do your own appraisal on your home. You can certainly sell your home without getting it appraised, and this decision to do this or not is entirely up to you.

real estate puzzle
Finding the right price for you NC home can be a complicated puzzle but one you will surely figure out.

Before shelling out the money for an appraiser, do any repairs or updates that may be required for your home to sell. You will want to do this before the appraiser arrives as this will probably impact the price the appraiser generates. I once had a friend spends thousands with a local tree removal service company and the yard really looked great. The makeover completely transformed the entire property. After speaking with him much later, he admitted he did the renovation after the property had been appraised and he never adjusted the asking price for the home. While the clean up of the yard boosted the curb appeal and ultimately helped sell the home, my friend never attempted to recuperate the expense by including it in the asking price.

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If you price your NC home correctly, you will soon be selling your property.

Reassessing your asking price may be what you need to do, especially if you have been showing your home for some time without a single offer. If people are interested in seeing your home, it obviously has some appeal. If no one is making an offer, then it is pretty simple – your asking price is more than likely too much. There are often many other factors at play as well such as the local NC job market, the time of the year, local schools, you name it. Many factors need to be considered to find that sweet spot in pricing that will sell your home. Most people who look at your home will also be looking at other homes in your area. With that in mind, prospective buyers will purchase a home like yours if they find it, especially if your price too high. This should clue you in that lowering your price a bit would be a good idea. To get the perspective buyers more interested in your home, simply lower your asking price by 5% and see what happens. You must pay attention to all kinds of details and data when pricing your home for sale. You have to consider what comparable homes in the area are selling for, and how warm or cold the market is right now. A seller is always in a better position if he or she is patient and not too desperate to sell. These are just some of the main points to consider when you are ready to put your house on the market.

Pricing a home is a complicated task but can be easily accomplished with a little research and some massaging to find that right sweet spot. The great thing is that North Carolina has a thriving real estate market and you should be able to get a great price for your home.

Practical Methods For Selling A North Carolina Home On A Budget


It’s commonly believed that you have to invest a lot into your home before selling it, but you can also do it on a limited budget. This is not an unusual situation nowadays, and many homeowners succeed at making the sale nonetheless. This is especially true in the booming Triangle area real estate market.

There are many ways to sell you home in the booming North Carolina real estate market.


You might wish that you could do all kinds of expensive things to your home and property to make it more valuable, but a lot of time this is not required. Rather than wishing things were different, though, it’s best to make the most of what you do have. The way you achieve that is working with the strengths of your home. You can do plenty of useful research both online and offline. You can learn everything you need to know about what you should focus on. You may have to be self sufficient and willing to do things for yourself rather than hiring outside help, but do keep in mind that many home buyers will want to make their own changes as well so your upgrade may not even be needed.

You only get to make one first impression when someone arrives to look at your home – and that is when the potential buyers pull up at your home. So, it’s easy to see that the exterior of your house is very important. Since you want to get off to a positive start when someone arrives, it’s important that you give some attention to your landscaping and the outside of your home. Trim the hedges if you have them and increase the exposure of your house from the street. Your neighbors will undoubtedly know you have put your home on the market, so ask them what they think about the curb appeal of your home. That’s generally all they see, and you may be surprised at the feedback you get.

There are a lot of opportunities to sell your NC home!

A room that’s been freshly painted is likely to impress people when you show the house. If you’re going to be painting several rooms, it’s usually best to make them all one color. If you paint the walls a darker color (such as tan or light brown), you should consider a different color for the ceilings. There’s an unexpected advantage to painting the walls a darker color than the ceiling. What this does is make people feel like the ceilings are higher, which is always good. You always want rooms to look larger, and doing this along with good lighting helps you accomplish it.

Bathrooms can be another area where the impression a buyer gets is favorable or not so favorable. A lime build up on your glass shower doors is not attractive, but it happens over time. It’s easy to fix this lime problem by using a good lime remover. This will return your glass shower doors to a pristine condition. Bathtub stains are another potential problem area. Many stains are nearly impossible to remove. Most folks aren’t able to go to the expense of putting in a new tub; however, you can get the surface refinished. Not everyone is familiar with this process, but it’s not hard to find a company that does this kind of work. As a rule, viewers don’t do much more than take a quick look at your bathrooms. If they appear clean, and there are no obvious problems, they will just move on to the next room.

If all of this effort and expense sounds like more than you bargained for, there are plenty of alternative methods available to sell your home. Carolina Realty Solutions is a company that will buy your Raleigh home for cash. These types of companies are a lost faster route for those looking to sell in a hurry and pay you cash for your house. For those with a little more time at their disposal may want to look at for sale by owner opportunities or other avenues like posting the home on Craigslist. The North Carolina Craigslist community is quite vibrant and you may find success through this website.

Don’t be scared to present your home in it’s best possible light!

Is this your first effort to sell your own home? Here’s are some things you should learn about. Do some research online about marketing to get some ideas and also, give some serious thought to human nature. Try to think like the buyer when he visits your home. One marketing “tip” is to make the rooms of your home look larger. You can do this by painting the rooms with light colors and getting rid of any clutter or extra furniture. There’s nothing wrong with presenting your home in the best light possible. You can find more ways to do this with a little research on your part.

North Carolina and the Raleigh area in particular, is one of the best real estate markets in the country to sell your home. With a constant influx of new inhabitants, you will be successful at selling your home. Do keep in mind the expense involved with trying to do a lot of remodeling and take some time to explore alternative options for selling your home.