Obesity in America
In 2013 a medical study came out The Journal of the American Medical Association claiming that people overweight by up to 30 pounds were less likely to die earlier than those at a “normal” weight. However the study was soon disproven due to not being well-conducted. Decades of good science work has shown us that obesity certainly leads to serious health issues in life pretty much across the board. Holding onto extra weight can put an individual at higher risk for disease or even death. What’s even scarier than all of that is the fact that over one third of American’s are considered obese at this point. You must take care of your body from the beginning, not once it is breaking down or beyond repair. Weight loss is handled differently by everyone, but once you find the right program that works for you, you’re on your way to a healthier life!

Best Ways to Lose Weight
Of course most people want to lose weight quickly, but that is not your smartest plan of action for successful weight loss! The faster you’re rid of it the better, right? Definitely not. Most evidence backs up the fact that those who lose weight more gradually at 1-2 pounds per week are better at keeping it off long-term. You have to have a well-thought out plan for diet and fitness to see real results. Even modest weight loss, such as 5-10% of your total body weight is a great goal and starting point for anyone, even that much change is likely to improve blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Even if you have a bigger goal in the long run, setting smaller goals along the way will you keep you motivated on your weight loss journey.
Weight Loss Cary
Every human is built differently and will handle weight loss in a different way. Some people are able to stay skinny their entire life, while others battle their weight off and on, while some people stay overweight their whole life. Everyone is different! With the help of weight loss Cary NC, you’ll be able to reach the goal weight best for your body!